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White Sands

White Sands, New Mexico

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Another picture taken long after sunset. The small size of the moon in the upper right shows that this picture was taken with a wide angle lens. The cactus was only a few feet from the camera so a small aperture was chosen to insure that there was enough depth of field to keep both the cactus and the moon in sharp focus.

This picture was taken long after sunset. The exposure time was 30 seconds so the camera was obviously on a tripod.  The late dusk light and a shift in the color of the film due to the really long exposure all added to the unsual glow with which these flowers were recorded on the film.

a larger version

White Sands is one of my all time favorite places to make photographs. If I rated places from one to three stars, White Sands would get four!!  Whenb I lived in Oklahoma, I would try and make it to Whites Sands about once every year or two.  I prefer to go in the fall, winter, or spring, since it can be very hot there in the summer.  Weather can vary a lot at any season of the year so dress for anything. 

White Sands closes right after sunset and I was still out in the dunes long after that.  When I made my way back to my car it was almost dark.  I was the last person still around except for the Park Ranger who was waiting by my car.  I trudged down the dunes with tripod and backpack, and when I got to my car, she said "Did you get some nice pictures?"  I said, "I certainly hope so, I really tried."  My thanks to that ranger, whoever you are.  Thanks for not griping me out or writing me a ticket for being there so late. The pictures were certainly worth it!

As an added note, I have since heard it is possible to make arrangments to pay a fee and stay all night so you can catch both the late evening and early morning light. Take planty of water. There are no lodgings so you are on your own. You can sleep under the stars with the rattlesnakes!

June 29, 2002

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